How To Scale in Figma

Are you trying to scale in Figma? Learn how to do it with ease through the steps below.
How To Scale in Figma

If you have been trying to resize a layer in Figma by dragging the image, you might notice the dimensions are disproportionate. While it can be fixed through the Constrain proportions, Figma has offered a Scale tool to address the limitations and scale proportionally while preserving aspect ratios and ignoring the constraints of nested layers.

Scale in Figma

  1. Start by opening Figma on your browser and sign in with your credentials. Next, open the existing designs from Recents or create a new one using the Design file button.
Click on Design File
  1. After the new/existing design is loaded, add a layer (for demonstration, we have added an image) and press K to load the Scale tool. Alternatively, you can open it from the toolbar.
Scale tool loaded from Toolbar
  1. With the scale tool loaded, click on the layer added to select it, and you will find the Scale section in the Design tab inside the Properties panel.
Scale section inside Design tab
  1. Now, you can drag the layer to scale proportionately or select a scale preset from the drop-down. If you have specific scale requirements, enter the value in the Scale input box.
Fill in the scale imput box

Pro Tip: The best part about the Scale tool is it lets you use anchor points through the Anchor box. With this, you can scale nested layers by setting a scale value and changing the position of a layer without worrying about its dimensions being disproportionate.

Using Anchor box

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to scale in Figma!

The steps provided will help you to scale in Figma, and while the steps might vary based on your design requirements, we suggest you consider these as a reference and make adjustments based on your design needs.

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