How To Add an Image to Figma

Are you trying to add an image to Figma? Learn how to do it with ease through the steps below.
Add/Import an Image to Figma

The best part about Figma is that it ensures ease of use by allowing users to perform arguably most actions without difficulty, and adding images is one of them. In this guide, we will help you add images through different approaches, along with a demonstration to get you covered.

Before getting started – Open Figma and sign in with your credentials. Once you’re on the home screen, create a new design by clicking on the Design file button at the top right corner or work with an existing design from Recents.

Add/Import an Image – Tool Bar

  1. Navigate to the toolbar and click on the Figma icon (present at the top left corner).
Click on Figma icon
  1. By doing so, you are displayed with multiple options from which you click on File, followed by Place image.
File - Place image

Quick Tip: Press the Ctrl + Shift + K keys together on Windows or Command + Shift + K on macOS to skip Steps 1-2 and proceed with selecting the image.

  1. Now, navigate to the path where the image is stored, select it, and click on Open to add/import the image to Figma.
Open image
  1. If you do it right, you will find the image successfully added to Figma.
Image added to Figma

Add/Import an Image – Copy and Paste

  1. Open File Explorer (Windows + E) or Finder (Command + F) and navigate to the path where the image is stored.
  2. After you find the image, click on it to select it. Now, copy it by pressing Ctrl + C / Command + C keys.
Copy image
  1. With the image copied, navigate to Figma and paste the image by pressing the Ctrl + V / Command + V keys, which adds/imports the image.
Paste here

Add/Import an Image – Drag and Drop Image

  1. Open File Explorer (Windows + E) or Finder (Command + F) and navigate to the path where the image is stored.
  2. After you find the image, click on it to select it. Next, drag the image onto Figma and drop it to add/import the image.
Drag and drop image

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to add/import an image to Figma!

While all the above approaches add the image to Figma, try out all approaches and find the one that is easier for you. If you’re unsure of which approach to choose, we suggest you go with the first approach, which is adding the image through the toolbar.


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