How To Download Figma File

Are you trying to download the Figma file? Learn how to do it with ease through the steps below.
How To Download Figma File

If you’re using Figma for the first time and are having an issue with the Figma cloud or want to back up on the safe side, it is important to download the Figma file. In this guide, we will help you download Figma files locally through a demonstration to get you covered.

Download Figma File

  1. Start by opening Figma on your browser and sign in to your Figma account, or create a new one if needed.
  2. After signing in with your credentials, you’re displayed with Recents featuring existing designs.
Open a design from Recents
  1. If there are none and you want to start with a new one, click the Design File present in the top right corner to create a new design.
Click on Design File
  1. With the new or existing design loaded, start working on the design. Once done, navigate to the top left corner, click on File, and then Save local copy.
Save local copy
  1. If you do it right, you will notice the design downloaded as a file with a .fig extension.
Figma extension

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to download a Figma file!

The above steps let you download the Figma file, which can come in handy if you want to reuse the design on another device. If you want to download a specific component on Figma instead, use the Export tool.

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