How To Hide Guides in Figma

Are you trying to hide guides in Figma? Learn how to do it with ease through the steps below.
How To Hide Guides in Figma

Guides come in handy while you’re positioning layers or objects in your designs. While this is a standard offering in most design tools, the steps vary. If you’re new to Figma and are trying to use guides or have accidentally turned them on, the below guides to show and hide will get you covered.

Show and Hide Guides in Figma

  1. First, navigate to Figma on your browser and sign in to your Figma account or create a new one if needed.
  2. After you’re logged in, open an existing design from Recents. If you don’t have a design file to start, click on the Design file button from the top right corner to get started.
Click on Design File
  1. With the new or existing design loaded, navigate to the Figma icon present at the top left corner and click on it. Now, from the available options, click on View and then Rulers to notice the horizontal and vertical guides added.
Click on Rulers
  1. Once you’re done working with the guides, repeat Step 3 to hide guides. If you do it right, the guides are hidden, and the tick next to the ruler option is removed.
Hide rulers

Pro Tip: Figma offers the same key combination to show and hide guides, which is Shift + R. The best part about this combination is that it is the same for Windows and macOS.

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to show and hide guides in Figma!

While showing and hiding guides in Figma is straightforward, most tend to confuse between guides and grids. In this scenario, go to View, turn off guides, and the rest that aren’t necessary to avoid confusion.

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