How To Highlight Text in Figma

Are you trying to highlight text in Figma? Learn how to do it with ease through the steps below.
How To Highlight Text in Figma

While Figma has a wide collection of tools to edit text, there isn’t one for highlighting text. In this guide, we will help you highlight a text using the auto layout through a demonstration to get you covered.

Highlight Text in Figma

  1. Open Figma on your browser and sign in with your credentials. Next, open the existing design from Recents or get started by creating a new file/design using the Design file button.
Click on Design File
  1. After the new/existing design is loaded, add a text box by pressing T. Once the text box is added and text is entered, right-click on it, and from the options available, click on Add auto layout.
Add Auto layout
  1. With the text box added as an auto layout, navigate to the Frame section in the Design tab within the Properties panel on the right. Now, ensure that the Horizontal and Vertical resizing is set to Hug.
Resizing set to Hug
  1. Once the resizing is done, navigate to Fill and change the color to highlight the text.
Navigate to Fill and select color

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to highlight text in Figma!

While you can place a rectangle and add a text box to it and change the color of the rectangle to highlight the text, the size of the rectangle doesn’t adjust according to the text.

Hence, we have considered using Auto layout, and irrespective of the text font, style, and length, it is highlighted without leaving empty spaces or leaving certain characters outside the box.

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