How to Italicize in Figma

Are you trying to italicize text in Figma? Learn how to do it with ease through the steps below.
How to Italicize in Figma

Figma offers all the necessary tools to edit text, including tools to change the text style. If you’re new to Figma and trying to italicize the text, here is a demonstration to get you covered.

Italicize Text in Figma   

  1. Start by navigating to Figma on your browser and sign in to your Figma account or create a new one if needed.
Figma login
  1. Once you’re on the home page, open an existing design from the Recents or create a new one by clicking the Design File button present at the top right corner of the home page.
Click on Design File
  1. After the design is loaded, add a new Text box and click on the existing one to open the Properties panel to the right.    
Add text to the text box
  1. If your text box doesn’t feature text, add it by double-clicking on it. Once the text is added, navigate to the Text section in the Properties panel, click on Drop down, and select Italic.
Select Italic from Drop down

Pro Tip: If you have used a Text editor, you might have used key combinations – Ctrl + I on Windows and Cmd + I on Mac. You can use the same key combinations on Figma to italicize the text.

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to italicize text in Figma!

While we have provided both approaches to italicizing text, it is ideal to use the key combinations when selecting the text style from the drop-down menu. However, if you want more flexibility, choose the text style from the drop-down as you can get more variations for each style.

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