How To Replace an Image in Figma

Are you trying to replace an image in Figma? Learn how to do it with ease through the steps below.
Replace an Image in Figma

If you’re trying to replace images from an existing design or have accidentally added a wrong image to the design and are trying to replace it, you might not find an option for it. In this guide, we will help you with replacing an image through a demonstration to get you covered.

Replace an Image in Figma

  1. Start by navigating to Figma on your browser and sign in to your Figma account or create a new one if needed.
  2. Once you’re on the home page, open an existing design from the Recents or create a new design by clicking on the Design File button from the top right corner
Open a design from Recents
  1. After the new/existing design is loaded, add an image to the design and select it or else select an existing image from the design to open the Properties panel on the right.
Properties panel to the right
  1. Next, navigate to the Fill section and click on Image to open its associated options.
Fill and then Image option
  1. Now hover over to the image preview for Choose image to appear. After it appears, click on it and then select the image you want to replace the existing image with.  
Click on Choose Image

Quick Tip: After the image is added, it successfully replaces the old image. If the image size isn’t the same as the old image, modify it using the options from the drop-down menu.

Options from the drop down

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to replace an image in Figma!

While replacing an image in Figma could turn confusing if you’re doing it for the first, it gets easier after replacing a few more images. If you can’t follow the above steps, delete the existing image and add a new one, but keep in mind that it can be a hassle if you’re working on complex designs.

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