How To Skew in Figma

Are you trying to Skew in Figma? Learn how to do it with ease through the steps below.
How To Skew in Figma

While Figma offers various tools to work with, unfortunately, there isn’t one for Skew. In this guide, we will present a demonstration of how to use the Skew tool on Figma using a plugin to get you all covered.

Skew in Figma

  1. Open Figma and sign in with your credentials. Once you’re on the home screen, create a new design by clicking on the Design file button at the top right corner or work with an existing design from Recents.
Open a design from Recents
  1. With the new or existing design loaded, navigate to the toolbar and open Plugins (Refer to the image below for a better understanding).
Plugins in Figma
  1. In the search bar associated, search for Skew, click on the plugin developed by Microsoft, and run it by clicking the Run button.
Click on Run
  1. If you’re having difficulty finding the plugin, navigate to the Skew plugin page and click on Open in button to open the plugin in a design.
Skew plugin
  1. After the plugin is loaded, you get sliders to adjust the horizontal and vertical skews.
Skew plguin added
  1. Now, adjust the sliders according to your requirements to apply the skew effect to the selected layer.
Adjust the skew values

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to skew in Figma!

While we have used multiple plugins to skew a layer in Figma, the plugin developed by Microsoft turned out to be the easiest. If you aren’t happy with it or feeling limited, try using SkewDat for more flexibility, but keep in mind that it is a paid tool.

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