How To Slice in Figma

Are you trying to use the Slice tool in Figma? Learn how to do it with ease through the steps below.
How To Slice in Figma

If you want to share a specific part of your design, you might capture the region using the tool that is offered by your OS or third-party software. While this works, you might notice quality loss when working with large designs, and to address this, Figma has offered the Slice tool.

The Slice tool lets you share parts of your design workflow or create high-quality screenshots. In this guide, we will help you use the Slice tool through a demonstration to get you covered.

Slice in Figma

  1. Open Figma on your browser and sign in with your credentials. After you have successfully logged in, open the existing design you want to work with from Recents or create a new one using the Design file button.
Click on Design File
  1. After the new/existing design is loaded, press S to load the Slice tool. Alternatively, you can open it from the toolbar, as shown below.
Export section in the Design tab
  1. Now, check the preview, set the File type, adjust the export settings and click on the Export Slice button to save the slice to your local storage.
Set the File type

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to slice in Figma!

We suggest using the Slice tool over the screenshot tools as it allows you to control the padding around an exported object. However, if you have no requirements and are comfortable with using the conventional screenshot software, the Slice tool might not always be the best choice.

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