How To Underline Text in Figma

Are you trying to underline text in Figma? Learn how to do it with ease through the steps below.
Underline Text in Figma

If you’re new to Figma and are trying to underline text, it is straightforward. In this guide, we will help you add text and present different approaches to underlining text through a demonstration to get you covered.

Underline Text in Figma

  1. Open your web browser, navigate to Figma, and log in with your credentials. If you don’t have an account, create one to get started.
Figma login
  1. After signing with your credentials and you’re on the main page, click on the Design File button in the top right corner to create a new one. If you have an existing design, open it from the Recents.
Open a design from Recents
  1. With the new/existing design loaded, add a new Text box by pressing T and clicking on the one that already exists to access the Properties panel on the right.
Add text to the text box
  1. Once the text is added to the text box, navigate to the Text section and click on Type settings.
Click on Type Settings
  1. By doing so, the type settings are displayed, and from there, you can navigate to Basics and then Decorations. Now, click on the Underline icon to underline the text.
Click on Underline icon

Pro Tip: You may have used the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + U on Windows and Cmd + U on Mac to underline text on a text editor. Similarly, Figma allows you to use the same key combinations to underline text.

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to underline text in Figma!

We have provided both approaches to underlining text, and using key combinations is ideal and suggested. However, if you want to access more text editing tools and edit the text further, use the Type settings approach.

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