How To Undo in Figma

Are you trying to undo an action in Figma? Learn how to do it with ease through the steps below.
How To Undo in Figma

If you have been working on design tools or text editors, you might already know how to undo and redo. While the key combinations are the same for Figma, if you’re new to Figma, learn how to undo and redo through the demonstration below.

Undo and Redo an Action in Figma

  1. Open Figma on your browser and sign in to your Figma account, or create a new one if needed.
  2. After signing in with your credentials and being on the home page, open an existing design from the Recents or start with a new one by clicking the Design File to create a new design.
Open a design from Recents
  1. Once an existing or new design is loaded, add a layer or element to it and press Ctrl + Z on Windows or Cmd + Z on Mac to undo the action. If you don’t want to use a key combination, click on the Figma icon at the top left corner, then click on Edit, followed by Undo, from the dropdown menu.
Undo option
  1. To redo, press Ctrl + Shift + Z on Windows and Cmd + Shift + Z on Mac to notice the layer added back to the design. Alternatively, you can click Redo from the Edit, an option that appears when clickingthe Figma icon.
Redo option

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to undo and redo in Figma!

While we have included both approaches on how to undo and redo in Figma, it is ideal to use key combinations rather than clicking the Undo and Redo options. The reason behind this is that it can turn confusing and time-consuming if you’re working on large designs.

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