How to Ungroup in Figma

Are you trying to group and ungroup in Figma? Learn how to do it with ease through the steps below.
How to Ungroup in Figma

If you have used a design tool before, you might use Group and Ungroup through key combinations. While the key combinations remain the same for Group, they vary for Ungroup, creating confusion. Hence, in this guide, we will demonstrate through an example to ungroup in Figma to get you covered.

Ungroup in Figma

  1. Open Figma and sign in with your credentials. After you’re logged in, open the existing design from Recents. If there are none, create a new one by clicking the Design File button.
Click on Design File
  1. Once the existing/new design is loaded, ensure that multiple layers are added. For demonstration, we have added a few images and a shape to the design.
  1. With the layers added, select all by using the Shift key or dragging the mouse over it. Next, group the layers chosen by pressing Ctrl + G or Command + G. Alternatively, right on the selection and from the options, click on Group selection.
Group selection option
  1. While most design tools use the same key combination to group and ungroup, Figma uses Command + Backspace on macOS and Ctrl + Backspace for Windows.

Pro Tip: You can ungroup by clicking Ungroup from the options that appear when right-clicking the selection.

Ungroup from options

Quick Recap

Here are keyboard combinations for the Group and Ungroup on Figma:


  • macOS – Command + G
  • Windows – Ctrl + G


  • macOS – Command + Backspace
  • Windows – Ctrl + Backspace

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to ungroup in Figma!

While we have included both approaches for grouping and ungrouping elements/layers in Figma, we suggest using key combinations over the options, especially when you’re dealing with complex designs.

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