How To Use Figma

Are you new to Figma? Learn how to get started and use it with ease with the steps below.
How To Use Figma

Figma, unlike other design tools, isn’t straightforward to get started on and use. If you’re using it for the first time, this guide will help you get started and teach you how to use it. Also, we made sure to include essential things that you need to be aware of.

Use Figma on Browser

  1. Start by navigating to Figma on your browser and click on Log in to sign in with your credentials, or click on Get started for free to get started.
Figma home screen
  1. Irrespective of the options you choose, you get the same sign-in box where you can log in and register.
Figma login
  1. If you’re new to Figma and are creating a new account, you are asked a few questions, and the registration process finishes upon completion.
Registration page
  1. After finishing the login or sign-in process, you’re redirected to Figma’s home screen. To access the existing designs, open them from the Recents.
Figma Recents
  1. However, if you want to create a new file, navigate to the top right corner and click on the Design file button. Now, from the available options, click on the respective option where you want to create a new file.
Design file button
  1. If you do it right, you will notice that the new file has been created and loaded on the existing tab.
Figma new design file

Breakdown of Figma Browser Interface


The central area of the screen is where you create and edit your designs. It provides a large, open space to work on your project elements. Also, it allows direct interaction with design elements, such as selecting, moving, and resizing objects.

Figma Canvas

To access the main menu of Figma, navigate to the top-left corner and click on the Figma icon to access different options that comprise a comprehensive list of Figma’s functions and features. Here is a simple explanation of each option:

Figma main menu options
  • Back to Files: Navigate back to the File browser.
  • Quick Action: Search for functions by name for quick access.
  • File: Options to create new, place image, save, export, and manage files.
  • Edit: Basic editing functions like Undo, Redo, Copy, Paste, and advanced selection tools.
  • View: Features all view options and includes some of the necessary tools for controlling grids and rulers visibility, zoom in or out, etc.
  • Object: Functions to manipulate objects (align, arrange, etc.).
  • Text: Text formatting options such as Bold, Italics, Alignment, list creation, and more.
  • Arrange: It features tools to organize objects using alignment and distribution options.
  • Plugins: Manage and utilize plugins to extend Figma’s capabilities.
  • Widgets: Manage and select widgets that are frequently used in designs.
  • Preferences: Customize settings for dragging objects, visibility of elements, and more.
  • Libraries: Access components and styles for reuse.

Move and Scale Tools

Move and scale options
  • Move Tool: Move objects within the canvas and reorder layers in the Layers panel.
  • Scale Tool: Resize layers proportionally without distortion.

Frame and Slice Tools

Figma frame section
  • Frame Tool: Define the size of the device screen you are designing for.
  • Selection Tool: Lets you select the layers added to canvas.
  • Slice Tool: Export specific parts of your design as new layers.

Shape Tools

Figma shape tools
  • Geometric Shapes: Create basic shapes like rectangles, circles, etc.
  • Place Image: Insert images into your design.

Pen and Pencil Tools

Figma free hand tools
  • Pen Tool: Create custom vector shapes.
  • Pencil Tool: Draw freehand illustrations.

Text Tool

Add a text box in your design by clicking on it and have the flexibility to add and edit text.

Figma text option


It offers the flexibility to manage Components, Plugins, and Widgets with separate tabs and a search box for each to enhance ease of use.

Figma resources

Hand Tool

Move around the Canvas without selecting or moving objects accidentally.

Figma hand tool

Comment Tool

Add and manage comments to specific parts of your design for reference and team discussions.

Figma comment tool

File Name and Users

Figma file name and users
  • File Details: View and change the file name and location.
  • Active Users: See who is currently viewing or editing the file. It also offers an Enable observation mode to follow other users’ actions in real-time.

Share Settings

It helps you share the file you’re working on while offering the flexibility to set access settings and more advanced sharing options.

Figma Share options

Present Mode

It lets you preview and present the design on a selected device or custom size, giving you the flexibility to view and interact with prototypes.

Figma present and preview

Zoom/View Options

Quickly change the zoom level and view settings of the file. It also includes other tools to manage grids, rulers, outlines, etc.

Figma zoom options

Layers Panel

Figma Layers tab

It is located on the left side below the Figma menu, where all the layers and objects in your design are shown. It also allows the ability to control and manage the layers like:

  • Naming Layers: Rename layers for better organization by double-clicking the layer name.
  • Lock/Unlock Layers: Prevent accidental edits by locking layers.
  • Toggle Visibility: Show or hide layers using the Eye icon.
  • Grouping: New layers are placed within parent frames or groups, which can be collapsed or expanded for better organization.

Assets Tab

Access and search for components like icons, buttons, and other UI elements. The local components created are displayed in the assets tab for easier access, and flexibility is offered to reuse them with a click of a button.

Figma Assets

Pages Tab

Create multiple pages within a single file, each with its own Canvas backdrop for separate prototypes.

Figma pages tab

Design Tab

Adjust properties of selected layers, frames, shapes, and text elements. Also, gain access to Export options while having the flexibility to preview the layers.

Figma Design tab

Prototype Tab

Configure settings for interactive prototypes and establish connections between design elements.

Figma Prototype tab

Inspect Tab (Exclusive to Dev Mode)

Generate and view code snippets (CSS, Android, iOS) for individual design elements, helping developers implement the design accurately.

Figma inspect tab

How do you get used to Figma quickly?

To enhance ease of use and get used to Figma quickly, use the key combinations. To learn how to use them, click on Main Menu > Help and Account > Keyboard Shortcuts.

Key combinations panel

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to use Figma!

While we made sure to include everything necessary to help you get started and use Figma, we suggest you navigate around and work with tools to get used to it.

In the case of Figma mobile applications for Android and iPhone/iPad, we haven’t included them due to their inability to edit design files. The only advantage of the Figma app is it allows you to view and comment on designs, edit FigJam files, check activity, and mirror frames, which can be done through the web version as well.


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