How To Warp Text in Figma

Are you trying to warp text in Figma? Learn how to do it with ease through the easy steps below.
How To Warp Text in Figma

If you’re working with a lot of text and want to create appealing visual effects, you can try to warp them. While Figma offers multiple tools to edit text, there isn’t one to warp. In this guide, we will help you to warp text using a plugin through a demonstration to get you covered.

Note: There is a misconception that curving and warping text are the same, but curving arranges text along a path without altering its shape, while warping distorts the text’s form for dramatic visual effects.

Warp Text in Figma

  1. Open Figma on your browser and sign in with your credentials. After you’re on the home screen, open the design file you’re working with from Recents or create a new one through the Design file button.
Click on Design File
  1. With the new/existing design loaded, navigate to the toolbar, click on the Resources icon, and then the Plugins tab.
Plugins tab
  1. In the search bar associated with the Plugin tab, search for Warp it. After the plugin description is loaded, click on Run.
Warp It plugin
  1. Once the tool is loaded, place the text box on the canvas by pressing T and adding text to it. If you do it right, you can find the text preview inside the plugin.
Preview of text box in the plugin
  1. Now adjust the points to warp the text, and if you want to go beyond, click on the Settings icon and adjust the Complexity and Interpolation.
Adjust the settings
  1. After adjusting the points and you’re happy with the preview, click on Apply Results within the plugin to add the warp effect to the text box.
Final warp result

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on learning how to warp text in Figma!

While this is the arguably most straightforward way to warp text in Figma, if you aren’t happy with the warp result, try to check other plugins. If no plugin result matches your requirements, edit the text in photo or text editors, save it as an image, and import it to Figma.

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