Where Is the Editor Toolbar in Canva

Are you searching for an editor tool bar in Canva? Learn how to find it with ease through the easy steps below.
Where Is the Editor Toolbar in Canva

Canva offers various tools through the editor panel and toolbar. In this guide, we will help you find the editor toolbar in Canva through a simple demonstration to get you all covered.

Editor tool bar in Canva

  1. Start by visiting Canva and then logging in using your login credentials. After a successful login, start with an existing design listed in Recent designs or start fresh using the Create a design button.
Create a design
  1. After the new design or existing design is loaded, you can find canvas. Now, add a Text box, an element, or a photo; it can be anything (Choose the one that fits your requirements).
Add a text box
  1. For demonstration, we have added a text box. However, if you have selected another, click on it to select it. Now, you can find its associated editor toolbar on the top.
Editor tool bar - text box
Editor tool bar - photo
Editor tool bar - shape

Wrapping Up

While this is arguably the best way to find the editor tool bar in Canva, if you are not seeing it in this way, try refreshing the current page or else try logging out and logging in again


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